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Mountain Woods Farm

From Meyer Hatchery it’s The Coop - where we talk all things poultry in hopes of inspiring crazy chicken keepers and educating future flock owners. I’m your host Kendra and on the show today we’re talking to an expert farmher who you may recognize from Instagram where she shares posts and stories about her highland cattle, goats, sheep, poultry, and livestock guardian dogs. 

So how does one maintain keeping poultry amongst other animals in Colorado, known for its excessive snowfall, high altitude, and very large predators? Here to share her best advice and inspire other female farmers, I’m joined by Renee Woods of Mountain Woods Farm. 

In this episode you'll: 

  • Learn About Mountain Woods Farm
  • Hear How Renee Handles Snow with Her Flock
  • Find Tips For Raising Poultry at High Altitude
  • Be Inspired By A Fellow Farmher

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